Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. What is the first step in becoming an inclusive organisation for people with epilepsy?

2. What does it mean to implement reasonable accommodation for employees with epilepsy?

3. What should an inclusive manager encourage according to the document?

4. What is an example of a managerial action to reduce stress for an employee with epilepsy?

5. What are the characteristics of an effective inclusion policy for people with epilepsy?

6. Why is it important to make employees aware of epilepsy?

7. What role does a diversity and inclusion committee play in a company?

8. Why is it recommended to use anonymous CVs in inclusive recruitment?

9. What should be included in a safety policy of an organisation that is inclusive of people with epilepsy?

10. What is one reason why a company should promote the integration of people with epilepsy?