Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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1. A human resources manager typically needs a diverse set of competences to effectively manage the people-related functions within an organization. One of the main competences include:

2. That HR managers need to navigate various personalities and situations within the workplace?

3. How can companies address and solve barriers for the inclusion of people with epilepsy?

4. How can companies address and solve barriers for the inclusion of people with epilepsy?

5. The HR manager is called upon to:

6. The HR manager often is oriented to:

7. The main barriers especially in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) for people with epilepsy include:

8. Some specific barriers in workplaces for people with epilepsy comprise:

9. Specific available inclusion guidelines are fundamental and deal in an integrated and consistent manner with the issues of recognition of epilepsy for employment if:

10. Some common activities of HR office include: