Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

We only need your name and surname in order to release the final certificate, we won't use it for any other purposes.
The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. Is it safe to work with lights and screens for people with epilepsy?

2. What does photosensitivity mean?

3. Which factors could trigger a seizure?

4. Is it possible to fall during an absence type seizure?

5. Can antiseizure medications impair concentration and memory?

6. How long it takes to drive after a seizure, basing on actual law?

7. Which kind of light is to avoid if you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy?

8. Are accidents more common among people with epilepsy?

9. Which kinds of seizures exist?

10. Do focal seizures with preserved consciousness impair cognition?