Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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1. What is the purpose of personal branding for individuals with epilepsy during the job search process?

2. What is an elevator pitch?

3. In this module, which networking strategy is recommended for individuals with epilepsy?

4. What is the primary purpose of exercising impression management during a job interview for individuals with epilepsy?

5. In the Epilepsia paper mentioned in this module, which impression management approach was found to positively influence job interview evaluations for people with epilepsy?

6. What does it mean to be health literate?

7. Why should individuals with epilepsy be health literate in the workplace?

8. Why should people with epilepsy be self-advocates for reasonable workplace accommodations?

9. Why is raising awareness about epilepsy important in the workplace?

10. What is the main takeaway from this module on self-promotion for individuals with epilepsy?