Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. To enable better interaction with co-workers, a person with epilepsy should:

2. Which of the below traits is unlikely to support a person with epilepsy to improve interaction with co-workers:

3. Why is open discussion about epilepsy important in the workplace?

4. Which of the below would be a benefit of disclosing epilepsy to co-workers?

5. Which of the below may be a challenge in disclosing epilepsy to co-workers?

6. Why is assertiveness training important for individuals with epilepsy?

7. What can individuals with epilepsy gain from continuous self-education about their condition?

8. What can people with epilepsy ask employers to do to promote awareness about epilepsy in the workplace?

9. How can epilepsy support organisations enable better interaction between people with epilepsy and their co-workers:

10. What is the ultimate goal of fostering meaningful interactions between individuals with epilepsy and their co-workers?