Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

We only need your name and surname in order to release the final certificate, we won't use it for any other purposes.
The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. People with epilepsy are often exposed to additional stress due to their condition. How can you reduce this stress through good time management?

2. Delegating tasks is a key action for good time management. Why is this so valuable and important?

3. What can support you in organising tasks and establishing priorities?

4. What kind of workplace adjustments are not useful for people with epilepsy?

5. What does good time-management not involve?

6. What do managers need to do when working with people with epilepsy?

7. What does SMART stand for?

8. Which criteria are relevant for the Eisenhower model?

9. What tasks should be done immediately (Eisenhower model)?

10. What does the Pareto Principle say?