Bullet points (3-5) 150 types for each bullet points (just an abstract/summary 1 bullet for section)

  1. Self-assessment to choose to an appropriate job
  2. Importance of seizure control and consequences of seizures at work
  3. Facing driving restrictions
  4. Accidents and falls
  5. Triggering factors for seizures’ (light, reading, etc.)
  6. Motor and sensory deficits
  7. Cognitive deficits
  8. Disclosure and stigma


Although epilepsy is a common neurological disorder, unemployment and underemployment are more common in people with epilepsy (PWE), and lower salaries and stigma negatively affect work conditions amongst PWE. Other issues hinder a person with epilepsy’s ability to find and retain a job: specific limitations relating to the disorder, shift length and the attitudes of employers.

Self-assessment to choose to an appropriate job

Epilepsy is a complex disorder that can affect working conditions in multiple ways. To choose the right job, it’s essential to understand the specific aspects of the disorder and how they affect you. Conducting a self-assessment and consulting with your doctor to identify any work-related limitations is fundamental.

The goal of this module is to learn how to choose the right job according to personal educational attainment and specific risks and limitations for people with epilepsy in the work environment. In particular, we will look at individual strengths, risks and restrictions relating to specific jobs (such as using special machinery or driving vehicles), and specific types of epilepsy. We will then focus and distinguish between “external” or (structural) limitations and “internal” limitations, such as how to disclose epilepsy to your employers and colleagues. Finally, we will provide you a scheme for evaluation of risks at work, giving some suggestions to make the environment safe as a person with epilepsy.

After studying this module, you will be better equipped to achieve the following learning outcomes:

1) Select a suitable job that accounts for your epilepsy needs, safety requirements as well as educational background
2) Address and overcome external and environmental limitations
3) Address and manage internal limitations

The module includes 3 sections.

The duration of the modules (approximately): 1h 20 minutes per section