Epilepsy risk assessment template – employee
Job title
Date of assessment
Symptoms and triggering factors | YES/NO | What can I do to avoid these symptoms? | Which accommodations could I ask to my employer? | Which actions should I take if I am exposed to the factor? | Done |
Light (photosensitivity) |
| Covering one eye/Blue lenses |
Photosensitivity to patterns |
| Covering one eye/ Blue lenses |
Reflex epilepsy (Sounds) |
| Avoiding trigger sounds |
Reflex epilepsy (Reading) |
Reflex epilepsy (Startle) |
Symptoms and triggering factors | YES/NO | What can I do to avoid these symptoms? | Which accommodations could I ask to my employer? | Which actions should I take if I am exposed to the factor? | Done |
Tonic-clonic Seizures |
Tonic Seizures |
Myoclonic Seizures |
Absence seizures |
Falls |
Focal seizures with awareness impairment |
Focal seizures without awareness impairment |
Atonic seizures |
Head drop
Myoclonic movements |
Lack of concentration |
Balance problems |
Stress |
Fatigue |
Other |
This template is based on the Epilepsy Action Employer toolkit. See employers.epilepsy.org.uk for more resources to help support people with epilepsy at work.