
Starting a new job could pose challenges and difficulties, not always related to the job’s characteristics or environment. Some difficulties could be related to work atmosphere and relationship with employers and colleagues. When you apply for a job, you could fear losing the possibility of being employed because of your disease. Also, when you have gained your position, you could be afraid of losing it because of epilepsy. On the other hand, seizures are not predictable, and you could experience seizures in the workplace. If your employer and your colleagues are well informed regarding your disease, they could aid you in case of necessity. Revealing your condition could represent an advantage in some cases. You should consider that if you don’t reveal your disease, when discovering it, some employers could interpret it as a breach of trust. Nonetheless, there is no law obliging you to declare your condition.

You can choose to declare or not your disease, and, also, you can choose to whom (your colleagues, your employer or nobody). Human resources could help you and your team (employer and colleagues) to find the best way to interact regarding your disorder. On the other side, your neurologist, occupational physician and disability manager could help you in revealing your disorder and its consequences.

Disclosure still stands as an issue for people with epilepsy because of stigma and misconceptions, false myths regarding the disease. With this module we will try to help you decide how and when to declare your disease and to whom.

Sometimes stigma and discrimination could lead you to undervalue your abilities and skills. Nonetheless, you should not base job choice on your fears. You can ask your neurologist and you can try to reach associations (such as the International      Bureau of Epilepsy/patients associations/ILAE Chapters) to help you fight discrimination in workplaces.


We will give you tools and information to know when and with whom it is necessary to reveal the condition.
Some websites will be provided.