Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

We only need your name and surname in order to release the final certificate, we won't use it for any other purposes.
The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. That HR managers need to navigate various personalities and situations within the workplace?

2. What are the basic requirements to assign tasks to people with epilepsy?

3. How can you develop the self-organisation of a team?

4. Which handbook can you use to check out further leadership tools?

5. Delegating tasks is a key action for good time management. Why is this so valuable and important?

6. What do managers need to be aware of when working with people with epilepsy?

7. What does SMART stand for?

8. What is the first step in becoming an inclusive organisation for people with epilepsy?

9. What are the characteristics of an effective inclusion policy for people with epilepsy?

10. Difficulties encountered by people with epilepsy prior to employment.