- Introduction
- Section 1: Choosing appropriate job
- Section 2: "External” limitations: environmental risks, seizures, physical and cognitive limitations
- Section 3: “Internal” limitations
- Concluding remarks
- Quiz
Total Participants: 1
Starting a new job can present challenges that are not always related to the job’s tasks or environment. Some difficulties may arise from the work atmosphere and your relationships with employers and colleagues. Other concerns may arise when you apply for a job, with the fear of not being chosen for a role, or losing your employment, because of your epilepsy.
Sometimes disclosing your condition can be beneficial. Seizures can happen unexpectedly, even when you’re at work – if your employer and your colleagues are well informed about your condition, they can assist you if needed. It’s worth noting that if you choose to not disclose your epilepsy initially, it may be interpreted by employers as a breach of trust later on. Nonetheless, there is no law obliging you to declare your condition.
You can choose to declare or not your disease, and, also, you can choose to whom (your colleagues, your employer or to no one). Human resources can help you and your team (employer and colleagues) to find the best approach to manage your condition at work. Your neurologist, occupational physician and disability manager can help you in disclosing your epilepsy, as well as addressing the implications of your epilepsy.
Disclosure still stands as an significant issue for people with epilepsy because of stigma and misconceptions about the condition. With this module we will try to help you decide how and when to declare your disease and to whom.
Sometimes stigma and discrimination may cause you to underestimate your abilities and skills. However, it’s important not to allow fear to dictate your career choices. You can ask your neurologist or contact epilepsy associations such as the International Bureau for Epilepsy, patients associations or the International League Against Epilepsy, to help you fight discrimination in workplaces.
We will give you tools and information to know when and with whom it is necessary to disclose the condition.
Some websites will be provided.
Provided Materials
If you want to know more about recruitment of people with epilepsy and issues related to stigma and disclosure, please consult these websites: