Total Participants: 1
N. of issued certificate: 1

In this module, we explored the importance of self-promotion for individuals living with epilepsy to navigate the job market successfully. While facing misconceptions and stigma related to their condition, people with epilepsy can empower themselves by showcasing their unique strengths and skills through techniques such personal branding and impression management.

In the job search process, building a strong personal brand can help individuals highlight their professional capabilities and overcome potential biases.

Crafting a compelling elevator pitch can effectively communicate one’s value proposition to potential employers.

Building a network, on and offline, is important to ensure people with epilepsy can build their capacities and showcase their abilities.

During job interviews, assertive self-promotion becomes essential to challenge stereotypes and educate potential employers about epilepsy. Employing impression management tactics, such as personal storytelling, can positively influence interviewer evaluations and increase hireability.

In the workplace, effective communication with supervisors and colleagues is crucial to address challenges related to epilepsy. Being health literate and understanding one’s condition can help articulate how epilepsy can be managed at work.

Knowing workplace rights and advocating for reasonable accommodations ensures equal opportunities for individuals with epilepsy.

Moreover, individuals with epilepsy should encourage awareness-raising initiatives within the workplace to foster an inclusive and supportive environment. Engaging in epilepsy awareness campaigns and providing information and training to employers and colleagues can help create an epilepsy-friendly workplace.

By mastering the art of self-promotion, individuals with epilepsy can overcome barriers, find meaningful employment, and lead fulfilling and active lives, proving that epilepsy does not define their abilities or potential.

Information Sources Used/Further Reading:

Disclose or not? Effect of impression management tactics on hireability of persons with epilepsy
Connie Sung, Chien-Chun Lin, Annemarie Connor, Fong Chan
Epilepsia, Pages: 128-136
First Published: 21 November 2016

Epilepsy Foundation of America

Epilepsy Ireland:

Epilepsy Action:

Epilepsy Society:

American Disability Act: