Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

We only need your name and surname in order to release the final certificate, we won't use it for any other purposes.
The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. A generalised epileptic seizure generally begins in a specific region of the brain before spreading.

2. Epileptic seizures are triggered by external stimuli such as flashing lights or stress.

3. Difficulties encountered by people with epilepsy prior to employment.

4. Respect for medical confidentiality totally prevents employers from requesting information on the specific needs of employees with epilepsy in order to put in place accommodation.

5. Disclosure of epilepsy

6. Adapting the timetable.

7. What arrangements can be made for people with epilepsy in the workplace?

8. Employers

9. Inclusion policies in the workplace are sufficient to ensure equal opportunities for people with epilepsy.

10. Colleague training.