Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. How to find job opportunities?

2. The CV structure should be divided into clear and well-defined sections. The main parts of a CV include:

3. Choosing the right style and tone for your CV and covering letter can make the difference between being noticed by recruiters?

4. To write a compelling cover letter, it is important to:

5. Three central questions are relevant to determine the fit of certain professions. The first two are whether there is a risk to one's own well-being or to the well-being of other people? What is the third point?

6. Which statement about the disclosure obligation is correct?

7. Should you use the screen for more than 6 hours continuously?

8. Why is raising awareness about epilepsy important in the workplace?

9. Why is open discussion about epilepsy important in the workplace?

10. Why is assertiveness training important for individuals with epilepsy?