Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. A human resources manager typically needs a diverse set of competences to effectively manage the people-related functions within an organization. One of the main competences include:

2. Some common activities of HR office include:

3. What is the definition of social communication?

4. How does effective social communication contribute to personal and professional relationships?

5. What is a good tool to enable structured discussions about key collaboration topics?

6. How does effective collaboration affect people with epilepsy?

7. People with epilepsy are often exposed to additional stress due to their condition. How can you reduce this stress through good time management?

8. What should be included in a safety policy of an organisation that is inclusive of people with epilepsy?

9. Epileptic seizures are triggered by external stimuli such as flashing lights or stress.

10. Colleague training.