Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. That HR managers need to navigate various personalities and situations within the workplace?

2. The HR manager is called upon to:

3. What is active listening?

4. What are the basic requirements to assign tasks to people with epilepsy?

5. What is important for effective collaboration with people with epilepsy?

6. What is an example of a managerial action to reduce stress for an employee with epilepsy?

7. Why is it recommended to use anonymous CVs in inclusive recruitment?

8. Difficulties encountered by people with epilepsy prior to employment.

9. Respect for medical confidentiality totally prevents employers from requesting information on the specific needs of employees with epilepsy in order to put in place accommodation.

10. What arrangements can be made for people with epilepsy in the workplace?