Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

We only need your name and surname in order to release the final certificate, we won't use it for any other purposes.
The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. Wie können Arbeitgeber:innen ein integratives Umfeld für Menschen mit Epilepsie schaffen?

2. Кое от следните може да бъде тригер за човек с епилепсия на работното място?

3. Защо е необходимо да се усъвършенстват социалните умения в определени ситуации?

4. Ein generalisierter epileptischer Anfall beginnt im Allgemeinen in einer bestimmten Hirnregion und breitet sich dann aus.

5. Der Aktionsplan

6. I datori di lavoro devono fornire un piano d'azione in caso di crisi per garantire la sicurezza sul lavoro.

7. Le responsable des ressources humaines est souvent orienté vers :

8. What does the Pareto Principle say?

9. What is one reason why a company should promote the integration of people with epilepsy?

10. Is training colleagues in seizure management a comprehensive solution for ensuring the safety of employees with epilepsy?