Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. The CV structure should be divided into clear and well-defined sections. The main parts of a CV include:

2. Choosing the right style and tone for your CV and covering letter can make the difference between being noticed by recruiters?

3. How to prepare a good application?

4. Which statement about the disclosure obligation is correct?

5. Is it safe to work with lights and screens for people with epilepsy?

6. 8- What recent European strategy aims to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities and improve their access to employment and education?

7. In this module, which networking strategy is recommended for individuals with epilepsy?

8. Why should individuals with epilepsy be health literate in the workplace?

9. What can employers do to reduce workplace triggers for employees with epilepsy?

10. Which of the below would be a benefit of disclosing epilepsy to co-workers?