Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. How should the first steps in career orientation for people with and without epilepsy be different?

2. Why is it important to familiarise oneself with the legal framework for working with epilepsy in my country?

3. What does photosensitivity mean?

4. In this module, which networking strategy is recommended for individuals with epilepsy?

5. Why should people with epilepsy be self-advocates for reasonable workplace accommodations?

6. What can employers do to reduce workplace triggers for employees with epilepsy?

7. How can employers create an inclusive environment for people with epilepsy?

8. What are the benefits of maintaining confidentiality and privacy for employees with epilepsy?

9. To enable better interaction with co-workers, a person with epilepsy should:

10. Why is assertiveness training important for individuals with epilepsy?