Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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1. Three central questions are relevant to determine the fit of certain professions. The first two are whether there is a risk to one's own well-being or to the well-being of other people? What is the third point?

2. Why is it important to familiarise oneself with the legal framework for working with epilepsy in my country?

3. Does the employer need to know about your seizures?

4. Which kind of light is to avoid if you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy?

5. Which kind of light is to avoid if you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy?

6. The professional integration of people with epilepsy depends mainly on the individual efforts of the people concerned

7. In this module, which networking strategy is recommended for individuals with epilepsy?

8. Why should people with epilepsy be self-advocates for reasonable workplace accommodations?

9. Epilepsy is:

10. Which of the following could be a challenge faced by employees with epilepsy in the workplace?