Please complete the quiz in order to obtain your certificate

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The certificate will be available for only 1 hour after the completion of the quiz.

1. What should be the first step in career orientation for people with epilepsy?

2. Which statement about the disclosure obligation is correct?

3. What order do we recommend in the career orientation process?

4. How long it takes to drive after a seizure, basing on actual law?

5. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) does not address accessibility in the workplace.

6. International and European legal frameworks automatically guarantee equal opportunities for people with disabilities in all Member States.

7. Why should people with epilepsy be self-advocates for reasonable workplace accommodations?

8. Epilepsy is:

9. What are the benefits of maintaining confidentiality and privacy for employees with epilepsy?

10. Which of the below may be a challenge in disclosing epilepsy to co-workers?